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Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Booze Cruise!

                There were 3 people (including myself) that attended the Booze Cruise and it was AWESOME! The Booze Cruise was almost a bust because we only had one bike. However, the dive drive gods smiled down upon us and blessed us with a bike from a thrift store, and a bike from a crack head who was on his way to bury a dog (true story). At 9:00 p.m we poured our beer in to a Wendy's kids meal cup and hit the road. 3 minutes later Amber lost control of her bicycle on a busy road and spilled her beer everywhere. This should have been an sign to turn around and go home....but we kept peddling along. In a single file line Amber, Diego and I rode 2 miles to our first location; The Wick in Somerdale NJ.
               The Phillies game was on, and it was loud. I hate baseball, so right off the bat I was annoyed. The Wick looks and smells like a small old dingy basement, and there isn't anything that gives the bar character or individuality. The walls and the ceiling are white, and there are only exit signs and posters from beer companies hanging on the wall. Miller Light Drafts are $2.00 during Phillies games so I drank 3 in an effort to block out the deafening noise of all the people who were getting ready to jump off the Phillies band wagon. The bar had popcorn, it wasn't very good but I ate it anyway. After about 45 minutes we were more then ready to we did. We were able to walk to the next bar, so we left our bikes tucked away with the abandoned cars and at 10:45 p.m we arrived at Richeez in Hi-nella NJ.
                 The Phillies game was also on at Richeez, but because the bar is bigger it wasn't as loud. Richeez reminds me of an old skating rink or bowling alley. They have mirrors on the walls and they write drink specials and upcoming events on the mirrors in neon window paint. The bartender was nice, and she was just as excited as I was when the Phillies lost. I ordered cheese fries and they were DELICIOUS! It may have been because I was drunk, but I'm pretty sure they were good. Beers were $2.50 Miller drafts, and I drank a lot of them. After about 2 hours we were all drunk, and not in any shape to ride a bike. However, we left Richeez, grabbed our bikes, and headed 3 miles North to Jerzey's bar in Lindenwold, NJ.
         At 1:15 am we parked our bikes in the woods by the bar and walked in to the train wreck. Jerzey's bar can be summed up in 2 words. Shit hole. I'm only going to write about it because it's so bad it's hilarious. As soon as we walked in we were judged by the entire bar, so we decided it would be best if we sat in seats that were far from everyone. Unfortunately the seats were next to a speaker the size of a Mini Van so I was deaf the entire time we were there. I'm pretty sure that beers were $3.00 but I'm not positive, I'm also not sure if they were cold. The bar looks like it's under construction, unfinished beams, and plywood are everywhere you look. A random pool table surrounded by convicts is right in front of the door, and one side of the bars no lights, so men sit there and try to be mysterious. 20 minutes after first walking in we chugged our beer and headed for the door in a single file line.
              I was in the front and I thought it would be a great idea to steal a blinking Halloween mask off the door, so I did. Diego was behind me and he said that the bouncers saw me so I stuck it on the window of the bar. As we walked to the bikes in the woods, I saw a blinking light coming from Amber's jacket and a bunch of black hair.Turns out Amber (who was behind Diego) ripped the mask off the window and shoved it in her jacket. As we were riding our bikes out of the woods, DIEGO was confronted by 4 bouncers who told him that he had to give the mask back. Diego laughed and said they were crazy and he didn't take anything. Next thing you know all 10 people that were in the bar came outside screaming "Where did they go!" We put our bikes in the 2nd gear and hauled ass down the street, Amber tossed the mask as we rode in to the night.
                       If you ask me...the last paragraph alone was enough to make the first annual Booze Cruise a success! Hope to See ya next year!

Diego tuning up Amber's bike
Michelle face planting.

On the way to Jerzey's

P.S we went back the next day and got the mask!


  1. Very intriguing...everyone loves a good story keep you on the edge of your seat! I wish that I could join you on this awesome journey! Hahahaha

  2. BTW I guess you didnt get your camera fixed from the shore that day?? I can tell by the half open pictures! hhahaha
