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Tuesday, October 5, 2010


                        Not very much to say about this place except that we wont be going back. We were forced to freeze outside because apparently October is a great time to sit at a tiki bar. The outside heaters didnt work, the touch screen "jukebox" was difficult to work and only filled with musical greats like Brittney Spears, and Ke$ha. When we asked the bartender to help us with the "jukebox" she seemed annoyed as she slammed her midget fingers against the screen to get us back to the main menu.
                         In my opinion if you're looking for an uptight place to drink and freeze to death, you should check this place out. If you're looking for a fun down to earth dive bar....Keep driving. Only 2 good things came from this place; $1 dollar Miller High Life bottles, and this picture.

1 comment:

  1. the pic looks like a still from a scary teem movie....
