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Friday, April 22, 2011

Gene O's Tavern= Peice O shit

                  When on Dive Drives my friends and I NEVER go out looking for trouble. We only want to have a good time, drink cold beer, and meet cool people. Unfortunately, there are some Dives that are filled with trouble, and we stumbled in to one of those bars in early March of 2011.
                  Gene O's Tavern sits on the White Horse Pike in Waterford works NJ. We were warned not to go in to this bar by several people we've met on the Dive Drive but we went there anyway of course. I am going to give you the brief details of the incident at this shit hole due to the fact that I refuse to waste my time on garbage.
                 Due to the fact that the bar was silent, I asked if there was some Karaoke or music that we could listen to. The bartender gave us microphones which could be heard through the whole bar, including out on the back patio; which is where every shady character and their mother was sitting. We were having a good time with the microphones (not cursing or beging disrespectful) until an overweight ugly creature came out of nowhere and took the batteries out of one of our microphones. A dive driver went after her to retrieve the batteries and he was successful! When the Dive Driver placed the batteries back in the microphone he then said in to the microphone "Someone please get this girl a sandwich, she seems to be mighty hungry." Aproximatley 3 minutes later I hear that same dive driver saying "I'm going to get slapped in 5,4,3,2" SMACK. The friend of the fat creature smacked the dive driver in the face, and all hell broke loose.
               Unfortunately the Dive drivers were outnumbered and after holding our own for a solid 10 minutes we were forced out the door and on to the pike. We got in to the car and made sure that we honked our horn and waved to the 30 losers that were still standing on their "turf". So in conclusion Gene O's is a piece of shit, and so are all the people that work and hang out there. Don't go to this bar unless you want to drink hot beer get in to a bar fight. Obviously these losers have nothing better to do except start trouble! YEAH....I SAID IT!

                                                                 ON TO THE NEXT ONE........

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