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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Town Tavern- B+

                The Town Tavern (a.k.a the Town Toilet) is located on Jackson Road in Berlin NJ. I've passed this bar so many times, and the only thing I've ever heard about it was that the waitresses serve lunch in lingerie each Wednesday. That was never enough to make me go in to the bar, if anything that was more then enough for me to swear this bar off forever. Yet there we all were standing on the front steps of the Town Tavern starring at a sign on the door that said "No Colors". That's usually the point where we get back in the car and peel out, but we were in dive drive mode, so of course we went in.
           As soon as you walk in the door you are faced with a decent size square bar. Neon beer signs, a score board for the NJ lottery, and pictures of historic Berlin grace the walls. A pool table complete with a stained glass light above it was in the far left corner, as well as a pin ball machine and a golf video game. There were also 3 refrigerators that lined the wall, which were filled with 6 packs of beer for take out. The bar smelled EXACTLY like Chuckie Cheese despite the fact that they do not make pizza, and there was no ball pit in sight. We took our seats at the bar and we were greeted by a pretty young bartender who informed me that all domestic drafts were 2.00; I ordered a Miller High Life. The beer was cold, I think it was skunked, but that may have just been Miller High Life's distinct taste..not really sure. As we were sitting at the bar talking Nicole accidentally spilled her beer all over the bar. The bartender cleaned up the beer, broke Nicole's stones for spilling her beer, then refilled Nicole's beer for no charge. We've spilled beer at MANY other bars and the bartenders usually roll their eyes at us and charge us for another beer. It was nice to be in a place where people understood that shit happens
          We couldn't stay at the bar long because we had three other bars to get to, but before we left we decided that we should hit the bathroom because the next bar was about a half hour away. Nicole, Amber and I walked down a dark hallway, tripped over extension cords, and a vacuum cleaner, and eventually made it to the bathroom. This bathroom was plain, and pretty clean. Not too much to talk about besides the awesome fact that the soap dispenser was a ketchup bottle. After a few pictures with the soap dispenser we grabbed our belongings, and headed for the door. Nicole opened up a refrigerator and tried to leave through there but she quickly regained her bearings, and followed the rest of us out of the real door.
          I'm glad that we weren't scared away by the "No Colors" sign on the door. The people were friendly, the beer was cold, and their idea for a soap dispenser was hands down awesome. Rumor has it that the Town Tavern has phenomenal food. I'm thinking that my next stop at this place is going to be for a lingerie lunch next Wednesday. Stay tuned!
                                                         ON TO THE NEXT ONE...................



  2. What's wrong with "No Colors?" Many small bars are biker friendly but don't want biker fights. No Colors just means you can come in and drink but don't start fights with members other motorcycle clubs.
