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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Village Pub & Package Goods


               The Village Pub sits on a forked road in Tabernacle, NJ. The only directions that I can give are, when you see the corn fields, keep driving for another 2 miles. You'll eventually find it. We pulled in to the bumpy dirt parking lot and we were stared down by a few locals out smoking cigarettes near huge propane tanks. It was freezing cold that night, but there was still a motorcycle parked in the parking lot. I knew this was going to be interesting.
               The inside of the bar looks like a detached garage. There are dropped ceilings, mirrors that line the walls behind the bar, and a boom box sitting on the counter. Tables and chairs are to the left of the bar, and a small kitchenette sits back in the corner. While Nicole and Amber were waiting at the bar a local turned to then and immediately said "you must be out of towners." The local then proceeded to tell them that this bar was owned by a Greek family, and that the food is excellent. About 15 minutes later we all had the privilege to meet one of those Greek owners. I don't know what his name was, but I do know that he was sitting in a chair that was propping open the door to a utility closet. In his broken English I was able to make out the phrase "We bury people that aren't from around here." We grabbed our jackets and headed for the door.
             It got very quiet when we walked outside, almost as if everybody out there was talking about us. I thought that since I was in their town, I would try and be nice and ask them a few questions. As I was talking to them, the crowd that was out there silenced and thinned out really quick. I was left talking to a young kid who was probably 21 at the most. He was missing his front tooth, and he was so nice. He explained that the motorcycle parked in the parking lot belonged to a guy inside, and people from "this neck of the woods" need any form of transportation they can get. I then told the kid what the Greek man said about burying people who aren't locals. The kid laughed and said "Yeah you don't wanna cross anyone that lives out here...there is way to much pine land to hide the body."
            I backed up slowly, thanked the kid for his time, and jumped in to the SUV where my friends were waiting. Normally at this point in the blog I tell you my honest opinion about the bar. Not this time my friends. I don't like the wilderness, and I don't want to be buried there.


  1. it's not that bad! the food is good and we aren't as scary as we seem. The woods are great and the food is good! try again some time, I have not seen them bury any one yet!

  2. My friend suggested this place for dinner, but he has a penchant for picking the diviest dives where I might not fit in, so I decided to do some research. This post reads like the opening scene of a Rob Zombie film and I imagine the events of the decade since didn’t do much to warm up the atmosphere there. So thank you for saving me, either from death or just a really uncomfortable evening.
